Fellows' Directory

Fellows of the British Pharmacological Society are members who have demonstrated distinction and peer recognition in pharmacology.
Fellows have made, and may continue to make, substantial contributions to the disciplines of pharmacology, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, through their work, publication and presentation of research, leadership, and contribution to Society life.

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This directory has been created to increase the visibility of our Fellows and their contributions, and to support networking by providing a useful resource for members to connect with Fellows with similar areas of interest.

Here you can find profiles of each Fellow, including information on their institutional affiliation, year elected, primary professional setting, affinity group membership, and a short biography.

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Dr Mark Christie

Mark Christie graduated with a degree in Pharmacology from UC Cardiff in 1985 and was awarded a PhD from the University of Wales in 1989.

Professor Arthur Christopoulos

Arthur Christopoulos, BPharm PhD, is Professor of Pharmacology at the Monash Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, and a Senior Principal Research Fellow of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council.

Professor Giuseppe Cirino

Giuseppe Cirino received his degree in Pharmacy at the University of Naples Federico II in 1980 and his PhD in Pharmacology in 1986.

Professor Alexander Clanachan

Alexander (Sandy) S Clanachan earned his BSc and PhD degrees in Pharmacology at the University of Glasgow and undertook post-doctoral training in the Department of Pharmacology, University of Alberta, Canada.

Professor Lucie Clapp

Lucie Clapp is Professor of Vascular Physiology at the UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science.

Dr David Clarke

Professional Status: 1969-present: Preclinical Consultant for Afferent Pharmaceuticals, CA, USA (now Merck) and Recordati, Milan, Italy.

Professor Jamie Coleman

Jamie is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Education within the School of Medicine in the Institute of Clinical Sciences.